1. When signed in, you will need to go to your profile in the top right corner, then Manage my Team and then Organisational Membership or Team Membership.
  2. This will take you to your Membership page.
  3. There are a few ways you can add to your membership,
    1. Send the Special Registration link to your staff so that they can sign themselves up.
    2. Ask us to help by emailing happytohelp@creativeeducation.co.uk
    3. Adding them Manually
  4. Adding Manually, you will need to scroll down beneath the list of staff and find the Add Team Member Account button and this will open a menu.
  5. You can then add staff by inputting their email address and first and last name or you can add them by using their existing username if they already have a Free Access user. *Note: please do ensure you send them a welcome email.
  6. Once you click submit, the page will load and you can check that they are on the staff list (which is in alphabetical order).